BethanyKids is committed to transparency and seeks to publish a review each year that summarizes program highlights as well as finances. Those reviews can be accessed below. If you are interested in a more in-depth look at our finances, please reach out to us on our contact page.
BethanyKids has been in existence since 2004 and has been providing quality pediatric care since that time. For data prior to 2015 please reach out to us using our Contact Us form.
2020 Annual Review
2019 Annual Review
2018 Annual Review
2017 Annual Review
2016 Annual Review
2015 Annual Review
To help with consistency of use we have prepared a brief guide outlining our brand, its meaning and its usage. (Click Here)
Geographical Considerations in Training Pediatric Surgeons for Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Pull-Through for Hirschsprung’s Disease: Insights for Limited-Resource Settings From Mbarara
Publish or Perish but Pursue Decolonization: The Complexities of Global Surgery Authorship.
The Key importance of Including Faith-Based Health Providers in a Strategy for the Development of Appropriate Assistive Technology Services Around the
Assessing Wheelchair Breakdowns – Kenya
Cerebrospinal Fluid Research
Hydrocephalus in Africa: A Surgical Perspective
Use of the NICO Myriad device for tumor and cyst removals in a developing country
Pediatric Cancer Spectrum in Kenya
Spina Bifida Care in Kenya
Clinical complications associated with two low-cost 12-inch wide pediatric wheelchairs
Examining Factors Impacting Community Based Rehabilitation in a Refugee Camp – an Exploratory Case Study
Occasionally BethanyKids prepares additional downloadable materials to help share a specific need, summarize a program or highlight a strategic plan. Some of those can be accessed and downloaded below: