We train and resource pediatric surgeons from across Africa.
The death rate for children born with a congenital anomaly is about 100x higher in Sub-Saharan Africa than it is in North America with an average of only 1 pediatric surgeon for every 3 million children across the continent.
“Pediatric Perioperative Mortality in Kenya,” Anesthesiology v 123, no .3 (March 2020)
As one of the first organizations to begin training pediatric surgeons on the continent of Africa we continue to lead the way in training and resourcing pediatric surgeons.

We have 10 surgical fellows currently in training with us across our training sites in Kenya and Uganda.

We support surgical care to children across the continent of Africa through our graduates from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean.

Since 2004 we have provided life-transforming surgeries to over 50,000 children from across the continent of Africa.
We have a a plan to save lives across Africa and it starts by training new pediatric surgeons from across the continent and then resourcing those surgeons and supporting their vision as they pioneeer pediatric care in their home countries. Since 2020 alone we have nearly doubled our surgical capacity and the amount of countries in which we provide care.
We work hard to transform the lives of children in Africa, but all of that depends on people like you making the selfless decision to put other people first.
BethanyKids helps restore dignity and a sense of identity to those with health conditions that otherwise cause isolation and shame; supporting their work is a very practical way to be the transformative hands and feet of Jesus.
As a teacher, I invest time and energy into helping children learn and grow. BethanyKids is also in the field of helping children reach their fullest potential, and that’s why I love being a monthly donor to support their cause.
I support BethanyKids because I have experienced for myself the healing and transformational power of this medical ministry. Supporting their work is a practical expression of gratitude for the blessings I have been granted.
We know you don’t want a cluttered inbox, so we strive to only send out one email per month to those who care about advancing Jesus-centered healthcare across Africa. We generally share a few stories from our work, some photos or the occasional video and sometimes an important update.